Although I have much respect for the street art movement, dinosaurs and animals are common subjects in my art and are a constant inspiration. These all have played a part on my journey into becoming an animator and I am nothing but grateful for the experiences I have had so far.
On my free time, I sketch on the train and at my local zoo. I love cooking and going on small adventures with my fiancee whenever we have the opportunity, assuming we aren’t lounging around and drawing together.
Maybe I didn’t get to become a paleontologist, but I wouldn’t change a thing.
100 Artistes 100 Oeuvres
LeHangar, Liege
Ap 2019
Les Murs de la Plaza – Plaza Walls
Plaza Saint Hubert | Artgang MTL, Montreal
Aug 2016
Monstrodamus Group Show
Pictoplasma 2016 | White Concepts Gallery , Berlin
May 2016
Beaux Dêgats #37
Foufounes Electriques, Montreal
March 2016
Pictoplasma Academy Allstars
Urban Spree, Berlin
Ap – May 2015
Last Summer Dance Festival (UAL Marquee)
Mersch, Luxembourg
Aug 2014
Liege, Belgium
March 2014
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